When James & me visited my brother 2 Thursday night ago, although he was feeling weak & tired, he was still able to sit up and talk. The next morning when I visited him, he had lost the use of his limbs & hands due to the brain damage caused by the virus attacking his brain! He wasn't even able to talk anymore!
On the 4th day that his condition turned worst, the doctor told him & me that he may not make it past that week. My brother fell into depression, & it wasn't better for my family. To see someone so close suddenly became paralysed was already heartbreaking. To know that he may not live was much worst. As his condition deteriorate so suddenly, it was harder for us to accept emotionally.
On the 3rd day that my brother fell critically ill, God spoke clearly to me, "According to your faith, it will be done." I asked Him, "Will my brother be healed?" He repeated, "According to your faith, it will be done."
Despite of my brother's paralyzed condition that I'd been seeing everyday & despite of what the doctor had said, I knew I had to believe that he will be healed. Of course I had fears, great fears, but I also know my brother's life lies in my faith. For according to my faith, it will be done. I chose to believe that God is His Healer.
Despite of my brother's paralyzed condition that I'd been seeing everyday & despite of what the doctor had said, I knew I had to believe that he will be healed. Of course I had fears, great fears, but I also know my brother's life lies in my faith. For according to my faith, it will be done. I chose to believe that God is His Healer.
To all my friends, have faith (despite of your fears)! For according to your faith, it will be done. & have big faith! Small faith = small miracle; big faith = big miracle! Why opt for small miracles when you know you can have big ones?
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