* my beautiful world *

Where my life journeys get more beautiful each day because of all the special people and unique experiences in my life...

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Happy Birthday Mummy & Enya!

To my most beloved mum, thanks for working so hard to provide me all the way to University. I had never heard you complaint about life, and your love to us is always so unconditional. Through the years, I saw the tough side of you raising us up, and I also saw your soft sides when you cried together with us. You are such an amazing mum!

To my precious Enya, you are such a bubbly child that lights up my life with your cheeky smile! I can never be upset at your mischievious ways once your smile melted my heart.  Thanks for all your generous hugs & kisses & for filling my love tank. I love you much much too!

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