* my beautiful world *

Where my life journeys get more beautiful each day because of all the special people and unique experiences in my life...

Friday, April 9, 2010

My Precious!

Thanks to my sister who made special arrangement to babysit Charis so that I can serve for the carnival organised by JAMs last Saturday. It had been 3 months since I last served in JAMs, & I'm so glad I made it.

The carnival was a resounding success, because the students had enjoyed themselves tremendously! They were not just the happy ones. I was overjoyed to see them too, especially my pride & joy - N11 students! They were also as happy to see me :) I can see their faces lit up with smiles when they see me, just like the way Charis would when I fetch her from my sister's house.

It was time to leave & my students boarded the bus, while I stood outside the bus waving goodbye to them. Incredible sweet moments followed. Those students sitting by the window pressed their palms against the window, wanting me to put mine against theirs, with the window panels separating us. Kind of like those drama "farewell" scene you'll see in TV... Then Jason ran over to the side of the window to blow goodbye kiss to me, & he'll only do that to people he's very close with. I almost teared. These are moments I'll never forget & hold close to my heart.

I decided to go up the bus just to say a quick goodbye to them, & my bus driver made a remark to me, "they are like your children, all have feelings for each other". I'd been taking bus N11 since Jan 05, so they have been my "children" for 5 years now. In many ways, they are as precious to me as Charis is.

I used to take up the role of CGC for N11 grudingly (in my heart). I used to help out in another bus, N1, & I had a good relationship with the students there. There are also higher functioning, hence I could communicate with them well.

However in N11, the students are much lower functioning. For the first 2 years, I would find myself talking to a wall when talking to them, & I had to be thick-skinned enough to reply my own questions when no one answered. Some of them are hyperactive & drives me up the wall & even made me cry before. One of them is William. I had mentioned about him before in my previous entry http://tohgina.blogspot.com/2009/05/baby-is-so-active-kicking-me-so-often.html. As time goes by however, friendship was forged & now they respond openly & warmly to me. Some of them are not able to speak, but we no longer need verbal communication to understand each other anymore.

I used to tell James that when we give (in terms of time, money, love, etc) in JAMs, we should never expect anything in return, especially since these special children are not capable of giving. I was wrong. In those 5 years, they had given me many things. They had brought me many little gifts, cards, snacks, etc. Ah Jui would give me a CNY card every year without fail, with 4 numbers inside - for me to buy 4D. Hehe! It's their way of showing love.

But the most priceless gift was their love & friendship that they had unreservedly & freely given to me.

We love because He first love us. They love because we first love them. This is how the love of God should be spread.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Hippy Mum!

I spent 5 hours at Toni & Guy last Friday just to color my hair! While Jackie worked on my hair, I drank a pot of brewed coffee & a cuppa green tea, read through 3 magazines & a book, had 3 shampoos, 3 hair blows, etc. Shampoo time is my favourite because I can get nice head massage! She applied 6 colors on my hair - blue, purple, pink, red, brown & blonde. But they remove the blonde color in the end because I just can never carry that color well. Blonde always made me looks pale & tired. So I am like carrying a little peacock on my head now.. Haha!

David Mercer, director of Toni & Guy who charges $220 for a haircut, was not well & couldn't turn up for the show on that day. In case you do not know, I am a hair model for David & does modelling show for him when he requires. In return, I'll get unlimited free hair cuts, colors, treatments, & some $ too! Whenever I want to have a hair cut or color, all I have to do is to book an appointment with him at the saloon, & that saves me thousands of dollars for the past 8 years! James is most grateful for that. I'd been modelling for him for 8 years now... since my Uni days. He has seen me through my Uni days, marriage, & now motherhood. Getting too old for this "business"...

A Korean lady named Joshua cut my hair for the show instead. Yes, she's named JOSHUA. It is the first time someone else (besides David) ever cut my hair & she's new in T&G, & that made me real nervous. I was worried she doesn't know which style suits me most & the new hair cut will make me look & feel ugly. But the models I was chatting with kept assuring me that she's a very nice lady.

As she was cutting my hair, I noticed she wore a cross pendant on her necklace. Reminds me of my previous blog & the nice comments I heard about her from other model. Another testimony & angel. We chatted. I had a very strong 6th sense (or prob common sense?) that she's from Pst Yonggi Cho's church. Put a Korean from Seoul & a christian together & I came to that conclusion. Turn out she's now attending the same church as me! God-coincidence! Another person shining in the marketplace. Anyway, I love my new look! :D

Taken on the day after my hair cut by Joshua. A fresh new look. Something different from my usual hairstyle. Somehow more "Korean flavoured". The haircut & color would easily costs more than $500 but I had them free! So blessed!

Side profile. Some of the colors were either not reflected by the camera or hidden. Supposedly to have purple, blue, pink, red, & brown colours.

My new hairstyle without any styling. *Notice my new cross pendant too ;)*