* my beautiful world *

Where my life journeys get more beautiful each day because of all the special people and unique experiences in my life...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Bart Simpsons is an ID!

Did you know that Bart Simpsons is intellectually challenged? Bart suffers from Attention Deficit Disorder. His lack of intelligence can also be attributed to the hereditary "Simpson Gene", which affects the intelligence of most male members of the Simpson family.

But don't ever depise him just because he is intellectually challenged. Bart's song, "Do the Bartman" was actually written by Michael Jackson! In 1991, it was the number 1 song in the UK for three weeks and was the 7th best-selling song of the year. It sold half a million copies then.


1st time probably in cartoon history where reality exists in a unreal world!

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