* my beautiful world *

Where my life journeys get more beautiful each day because of all the special people and unique experiences in my life...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Finally it's over!

I went to visit Dr Woo again on last Monday, and he asked me if I'm ready for induced labor. I asked him, "how soon"? His reply was simply "tonight". Just one word and my life has changed forever. We booked ourselves into Mount Alvernia Hospital (MAH) shortly after midnight. I felt the whole process was more like booking for a 3D2N hotel stay or a 3D2N short holiday trip, only that this time, we'll be coming home with an additional member :)

The nurse put a pill into my virginal to soften my womb for labor within minutes after "checking" into my room. MAH is so efficient. The pill started some mild contractions, but it wasn't very uncomfortable yet, so I could still fell asleep for about 3 hours.
The pain gotten worse in the early morning, but was still bearable. At about 9am, the nurse started me on a drip to cause the contractions to quicken, and the pain became so unbearable that I felt like crying out loud. Only pride stopped me from doing so, hehe. When the nurse asked me if I wanted laughing gas to ease the pain, I even told her, "I don't need it". Once she left the room, I immediately used it! But I realised it doesn't help much :'( I still continued to hold on to it though just to make myself feels better. Silly me!

Dr Woo came to check on me about 10am. By then, I have gone all pale, so he asked me if I want epidural. I told him later but this time, I wasn't sure how long more I can hold on. I kept telling myself, "15 minutes more & I'll call for the epidural", then "another 15 minutes more". James went down to grab some sandwich for his brunch and came back with an Eeyore soft toy to cheer me up. I felt so happy to see it! :)
By 11am, I simply couldn't take it anymore. The pain was so intense that even telling the nurse that I want the epidural is an effort now. The specialist only administered the epidural drug close to 12pm because he had to rush down from Thomson Medical Centre. I thought if he drag some more, I would have died and gone to heaven. Once the drug took effect, the pain was all gone! Epidural is one of God's greatest invention! I even managed to sleep for a while ;) I thought since the whole process can be so painless, I don't mind having a second child again.

Dr Woo came to check on me again at 2pm. I am already dilated 6cm, but baby's head is still not moving downwards... The nurse said I may have to go for cesarean in this case. James spoke to Charis and told her to shift down. Miraculously, she did! By 2.30pm, Dr Woo says I'm already dilated 10cm and is all ready to push! :) Feeling real excited!

It was a mistake for all the excitement... I didn't know it would be so painful and tiring! I didn't expect that they would remove my epidural so that my legs would not be too numb to push, and they need me to feel the contraction pains to push. For the next long 1.5hrs, all I did was push, pant, push, pant,... I was panting so hard that they even need to put me on oxygen mask! But no matter how hard I tried to push, Charis doesn't seems to be moving down at all. The midwife even suggested assisted delivery (vacuum) or cesarean. Thank God Dr Woo insisted no vacuum or cesarean. As Charis is too small, the force of the vacuum may caused her head to bleed. So Dr Woo asked the midwife to help me to "push". They roped in another midwife, and yes, both of them really pushed my tummy with all their might! Their pushing were even more painful than thcontractions! I decided then no second child... (of course I may change my mind along the way). Nevertheless, the method worked, because Charis was finally born on 25th August, 1600hr! :-D

When Charis first came out, she neither cry immediately, nor did Dr Woo hold her upside down and slap her on her backside to make her cry. I must have been watching too much drama... She only cried 1 min later. She was also not very bloody looking, but whitish looking... again, too much drama...
I am finally a proud mummy! Cheers to all the great mummys!

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