* my beautiful world *

Where my life journeys get more beautiful each day because of all the special people and unique experiences in my life...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I'm not someone who have much regrets in life as I prefer to look forward in life, but recently I do have some regrets. James' grandmother passed away last Monday, & there were some regrets.

1. I regret that I didn't visited her enough while she was around.
I didn't visit her this year as I was often sick during my pregnancy. The fondest memory I have of her is when I visited her at her house 2 years ago & she chatted so much with me. Even though I couldn't understand her dialect language very well, we both enjoyed each other's presence.

2. I regret that I never brought Charis to visit her.
She's staying at an old folk's home as she's bedridden & there's no one to take care of her at her house. As Charis is just a newborn, we try to avoid bringing her to the home as newborn tend to be more susceptible to viruses & bacteria. Hence, she has never seen her great grand-daughter before, & Charis has never & will never met her great grand-mother. How many people has the good fortune in life to have a great grand-daughter, yet sadly, they have never met.

My brother was admitted to A&E recently for stroke-like symptoms. He dotes on me a lot. I still remember those days when he would fetch me home from school on his bicycle when I was younger. I do not want to have any regrets towards him, & I'm working towards it.

If someone that you know is no longer around tomorrow, will you have any regrets? Today is a gift that God has given, so treasure it. Time is never on our side, but we can choose to live out the best of it.

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